walau langkah tak bertemu
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ucap tak terdengar
mata tak bertatap
tapi izinkan hati memohon
maaf zahir dan batin
A Malay Cyber University, an online university since 16 Mac 2007. "MELAYU TAK AKAN HILANG DI DUNIA!!!", Hang Tuah, Sejarah Melayu. Memberikan ilmu untuk membela agama, bangsa dan tanahair demi kelangsungan tamadun Melayu. Sebuah universiti di Nusantara untuk Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka,Madagascar. Juga Universitas Nusantara.
walau langkah tak bertemu
tangan tak berjabat
ucap tak terdengar
mata tak bertatap
tapi izinkan hati memohon
maaf zahir dan batin
WASHINGTON (AP) — Deep-seated racial misgivings could cost Barack Obama the White House if the election is close, according to an AP-Yahoo News poll that found one-third of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks — many calling them "lazy," "violent," responsible for their own troubles.
The poll, conducted with Stanford University, suggests that the percentage of voters who may turn away from Obama because of his race could easily be larger than the final difference between the candidates in 2004 — about two and one-half percentage points.
Certainly, Republican John McCain has his own obstacles: He's an ally of an unpopular president and would be the nation's oldest first-term president. But Obama faces this: 40 percent of all white Americans hold at least a partly negative view toward blacks, and that includes many Democrats and independents. (Petikan dari Yahoo.com, 20 September 2008)
Politik perkauman wujud di seluruh dunia kerana kaum atau bangsa ada di mana-mana yang telah dicipta oleh Allah SWT. Ini termasukalah di USA, the mother of democracy, yang menjadi bukti hujah memperlekehkan politik Malaysia, dibaca orang Melayu Malaysia perkauman. Jelaslah analisa berita dari Yahoo.com membuktikan politik perkauman wujud di USA.
Jika warga negara Malaysia keturunan Cina dan India begitu berilmu dan global jelaslah tuduhan mereka terhadap orang Melayu Malaysia mengamalkan politik perkauman adalah pandangan yang cetek dan menghina. Banyak bloggers Cina dan India serta media Cina dan India tiada henti menuduh Melayu dan Malaysia bersikap perkauman sambil sering membandingkan dengan USA..Oleh terlalu kerap dan banyak ada orang Melayu yang liberal dan berpendidikan di barat menjadi pak turut dengan pandangan yang palsu. Atau berkahwin dengan perempuan Cina atau ingin menjadi peguam yang bijak.
Ini adalah realiti politik di USA, UK, Australia dan China dan bukan amalan orang Melayu sahaja.
PUTRAJAYA 19 Sept. – Wisma Putra memperoleh maklumat bahawa ada pihak tertentu dari Amerika Syarikat (AS) mempergunakan Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk memperkotak-katikkan dan menghuru-harakan Malaysia.
Menteri Luar, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim berkata, pihaknya dimaklumkan ada rancangan daripada pihak tertentu di AS untuk memastikan Anwar menjadi pemimpin hadapan bagi memudahkan kepentingan negara itu ‘masuk’ ke Malaysia.
Dalam satu strategi penjelasan untuk menangkis tohmahan pihak asing yang menyokong Anwar, Rais berkata, Wisma Putra akan menganjurkan satu seminar yang disertai duta-duta Malaysia yang bertugas di AS, Eropah dan Amerika Selatan di Washington pada 23 September ini.
“Apa sebabnya pihak tertentu di AS begitu taksub nak masuk ke negara ini, bukan kerana sayangkan Anwar, tetapi hendak melihat Malaysia gagal dalam banyak hal.
“Mereka (AS) tak sentuh Thailand, (politik) negara itu lagi teruk (berbanding Malaysia), tapi mereka lebih cenderung kepada Anwar supaya menjadi orang suruhan ketuanya (AS). Dari sudut itu, kita (duta-duta Malaysia) kena tangkis,” kata beliau kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
“Pihak tertentu di AS ‘kenakan’ kita dan kita harus berkebolehan mengetahui fakta-fakta terbaru tentang perundangan, ekonomi serta soal-soal politik tanah air,” ujar beliau.
Rais menambah: “Fakta-fakta itu kita sediakan kerana kita tidak mahu duta-duta Malaysia membuat penjelasan melulu.”
Beliau juga berkata, keyakinan tinggi Anwar menguar-uarkan pembentukan ‘kerajaan baru’ sejak beberapa bulan lalu mencetuskan keraguan di kalangan banyak pihak tentang siapa di belakang Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh itu. (Petikan dari Utusan Malaysia, 20 September 2008)
KUALA LUMPUR: The United States has summoned Ilango Karuppannan, the charge d’affaires of the Malaysian embassy, to protest what it called the “crackdown on dissent” at a time when the opposition was attempting to form a new government.
According to the AFP, Ilango was summoned to the State Department after the three arrests under the Internal Security Act (ISA) on Friday.
”Peaceful expression of political opinions is a fundamental right and critical to a democracy,” a State Department official told AFP.
”The United States believes that the Malaysian Government should provide due process and treatment consistent with Malaysian law and international standards,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
”We expect that democratic countries that purport to advocate free expression of political views will not curtail such freedom,” the official said.
This is the second time Ilango was summoned to the State Department in a month. (Petikan dari StarOnline)
Belum apa-apa lagi USA telah campurtangan. ISA sama seperti Patriot Act USA yang memberi kuasa kepada Home Secretary untuk menangkap sesiapa demi keselamatan negaranya. Lebih dasyhat dari Malaysia, akta USA ini membolehkan mendengar telefon orang awam dan komputer perseorangan. Ini seperti meludah ke langit. Atau ada udang di sebalik batu. Atau ada orang Malaysia sendiri yang suka akan penjajahan USA.
Mereka ditangkap di bawah Seksyen 73(1) Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negara (ISA ) kerana mengancam keselamatan, keamanan dan ketenteraman awam.
Racial issues: Army chief tells gov't to act |
Sep 9, 08 12:10pm |
Departing from the norm, the Armed Forces today reminded the government on the danger of allowing racial issues to exacerbate.
He warned that racial issues should not be raised as it had the potential to create chaos and disorder. "Racial issues are the most feared by security forces as they could lead to chaos. They are a security threat," he was quoted as saying by the Star. The general was speaking to reporters at the Wanita Umno Hari Raya contribution presentation to the armed forces and the police at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur. (Petikan dari MalaysiaKini, 9 September 2008, 812pm) Seperti yang diulas dalam judul pertama oleh blog ini bahawa keruncingan perkauman dalam kontroversi Ahmad telah sampai ke tahap yang genting. Emosi telah menggantikan politik apabila Gerakan dan MCA mendesak UMNO walaupun Najib telah mohon maaf. Tindakan parti Cina ini telah mendorong banyak orang Melayu merasa desakan tersebut telah keterlaluan sehingga ramai yang menyokong Ahmad dan sahabatnya. Dengan sokongan itu Ahmad dan sahabatnya menjadi berani untuk tidak mengendahkan pemimpin mereka, Pak Lah dan parti mereka, UMNO. Ahmad dan sahabatnya mempunyai seluruh penduduk Melayu bukan saja di Pulau Pinang dan jika ini berterusan negara kita akan musnah.Oleh yang demikian Jeneral Abdul Aziz Zainal, ketua tentara Malaysia telah mengatakan sesuatu yang betul. |
"While it is not difficult to say sorry - for the sake of my Malay dignity, I resolve not to apologise no matter what others may say. I am willing to take the risk (for not doing so)," he said in a 14-page statement. Soon after the event, former Penang Umno committee member Zainol Abidin Hashim, with the help from his colleagues pulled down the photo of Gerakan acting president Dr Koh Tsu Koon which adorned one of the walls in the party headquarters.Don't be like American Jews, Chinese told Sep 8, 08 8:52pm Penang Umno leader Ahmad Ismail, the man at the centre of the ‘racial slur' controversy, warned Chinese Malaysians not to mimic American Jews who not only seek to control the country's economy but also its political power. In an explosive 50-minute press conference, Ahmad who claimed time and again that he was not a racist, vowed that he would not apologise for his remarks which sparked the controversy.
The press conference, which was held at the Penang Umno headquarters this afternoon, ended with shouts of ‘Hidup Melayu' from about 50 local party leaders who were there.
Ahmad: Take this as a warning
Earlier, Ahmad told the minority Chinese not to go overboard in hurting the feelings of the Malays and Muslims.
"I want them to know, I want them to take this as a warning from the Malays. Malays and Muslims have been provoked many times. We have been patient because we want to maintain stability in the country," he said.
"Remember! The patience of Malays and Muslims has its limits. Do not push us to the wall, where we will be forced to reject the Chinese for the sake of our survival.
"If what I say sounds too strong for BN, take this as a warning from the Malays and Muslims as this has nothing to do with Umno. Do not pressure Umno leaders until they are caught in a dilemma."
He then sounded a dire warning to Koh and Gerakan.
"I want Koh Tsu Koon and Gerakan to take responsibility for whatever untoward incidents that could happen in this country of ours."
Ahmad also called upon BN leaders to "kick Gerakan out" from the ruling coalition.
(Petikan dari Malaysiakini, breaking news 8 Sept. 2008,8.52pm)
Pakatan to dump NEP if it seizes power |
Sep 2, 08 4:31pm |
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim reiterated he would dismantle the controversial New Economic Policy (NEP) if he seizes power. Anwar said he would replace the policy, which was launched in the early 1970s, with a system to boost all poor Malaysians, whether they are majority Malays or from the minority Chinese and Indian communities. "We will do everything in our power and disposal to help and assist the poor and the marginalised, which means the vast majority of the Malays and the poor Chinese and the poor Indians, but we do it on a needs basis," he said. (Petikan dari Malaysiakini) |
An Open Letter to all DAP Leaders and Members: | | | |
Friday, 29 August 2008 17:20 |
The majority of the Malays support UMNO; and UMNO has plundered and mismanaged the wealth of this country with impunity. Therefore, to change the fate of our nation is to change the mentality of the Malays. This is the ONLY solution! Without doubt, DAP has struggled and fought fearlessly and tirelessly over the past 4 decades aspiring to build a democratic and progressive Malaysia regardless of race and religion. However, I can only conclude that over the past 4 decades, DAP has completely failed to fight against the UMNO hegemony in the country. DAP had never prepared itself to be the alternative of BN until 08 March 2008. And we have to acknowledge that DAP had been dragged and manipulated by UMNO to become or at least seen to become a Chinese-Chauvinist political party. The fact is that without PAS or Anwar Ibrahim, DAP will NEVER be able to engage the Malay electorate. The leadership of DAP has long been luxuriating in being recognized as the "Chinese Hero" or "Non-Muslims' Rights Defender". Since DAP's inception in 1966, the Party has failed to recognize the basic and simple fact that it is the Malays who decide the sort of leaders they want and they have voted UMNO in for 12 consecutive General Elections. UMNO had always been perceived as the sole defender of Malay supremacy with their special rights and privileges, even if it is at the expense of other ethnic groups. It doesn't require complex political analysis to understand that the MAJORITY of Malays had always been staunch supporters of UMNO. If they refuse to change their voting preference, the status quo is going to remain. The more we challenge it, the stronger UMNO will be. Thus, for DAP to directly clash with UMNO will further enhance its image as a Chinese-based party and provide UMNO with an opportunity to have more Malay sympathizers. An example is, if they increase the number of scholarships for non-bumis, UMNO can easily tell the Kampong Malays that they have succumbed to the pressure of MCA, Gerakan and MIC. The Malays will immediately give their strong endorsement to UMNO to defend their rights. DAP, as one of the strongest opposition parties in Malaysia, is still failing to comprehend the racial game played by UMNO. Instead of directly engaging the Malay electorate, DAP chooses to play the ZERO SUM GAME with MCA and Gerakan. These 3 Chinese-based political parties lack the basic political wisdom to survive independently in our multi-racial country where Malays/Muslims are the majority. At least we know UMNO can easily survive by means of communalism and form the government with smaller political parties. No matter how hard DAP argues or debates with MCA or Gerakan, it won’t change the fixed mindset or mentality of the Malay electorate. Neither will MCA or Gerakan be forced to change the mindset of the Malays by DAP! Remember the iron fact that the majority of the Malays support UMNO; and UMNO has plundered and mismanaged the wealth of this country with impunity. Therefore, to change the fate of our nation is to change the mentality of the Malays. This is the ONLY solution! As our most respected Regent of Perak, Dr. Nazrin Shah put it, "The Malay mindset is a crucial factor in our nation's stability”. Dr. Nazrin further elaborated that, “racial prejudice can be erased if the Malay mindset is stable and comfortable towards forging harmony. It is a pre-condition to our nation's stability". May I ask Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Karpal Singh, or even the writer Liew Chin Tong, how much has DAP done over the past 40 years to change the mindset of the Malays? How much has DAP done to win the trust of the Malays? How many times has DAP challenged UMNO in open debate on the academic performance of Malay students? Instead of getting closer and winning the hearts and trust of the Malay electorate, DAP has chosen to fight with MCA and Gerakan to play the role of Chinese Hero. Worse still, after struggling for more than 40 years in Malaysia’s political history, DAP still doesn't have the slightest inkling of what "political courtship" is all about. Even the MOST STUPID salesman knows how to be courteous to customers and win their trust. DAP chooses to shun Malay electorate and frighten them by: a) Refusing to wear songkok, b) Raising the issue of Social Contract, c) Immediate abolition of positive discrimination policies It's made me wonder whether DAP is paid by UMNO to strengthen their grass root supporters! If I were a DAP leader, I would ostentatiously wear the Songkok to pro-actively court and seek Malay support for DAP. I would put aside the issue of the Social Contract and would clearly and carefully pinpoint the weaknesses of the NEP to the Malay masses before revising it. If the Umnoputras liken the fate of the Malays in Penang to the Malays in Singapore, how is YAB Mr. Lim Guan Eng going to answer this question or "accusation"? What YAB Mr. Lim Guan Eng will do is to imitate his predecessor Dr. Koh by keeping his mouth shut and be speechless. Silence means consent! DAP should pro-actively and sincerely urge the Malay masses to look beyond the tiny island of Singapore and focus on the plight of Malays in Batam, Bintang, Karimun and even the slum areas in Jakarta. Ask them to compare whether Singapore Malays are better off or Batam Malays are better off. I can help organize special tours for all the Malays/bumiputras in Malaysia to visit all the Indonesian islands surrounding Singapore to see for themselves how the Malays there are living in abject poverty and sordid conditions. Many young girls in Batam, Bintang and Karimun have to prostitute themselves to feed their family. They are also deprived of the opportunity to receive basic education and training. And we know many of them have to leave their families to become maids in Singapore and Malaysia. We should challenge UMNO – NOT to protect the Malays in Singapore, but the Malays in Batam, Bintang and Karimun! We are not defending Singapore, but we have to speak the truth to the Malay masses. Enlighten them and so they won't be blinded and misguided by UMNO. Shame on our Education Minister who expressed the need to travel to the UK to save "our" so-called prodigy Sufiah. He should go to Batam Island to join the UN's efforts to curb child prostitution! For DAP’s information, Singapore Malays have progressed very well. Over the last 15 years, they have improved significantly in their academic performance. Singapore Malays have the highest percentage of home ownership as compared to the Malays in Malaysia and Indonesia! DAP does not have to defend PAP, but I would encourage YAB Mr. Lim to invite Dr. Mahathir for a telecast debate on the plight of Malays in Singapore. Dr. Mahathir always reminds the Malays in our country to look at the Malays in Singapore, how “miserable” they are without firm control in politics. For Mahathir's information, the Singapore Parliament Speaker is a Malay and the Finance Minister an Indian Muslim like Mahathir. And so far, I have not heard of Singapore Malays being maids in Malaysia or Indonesia, and neither have I heard of a large number of young Malay girls in Singapore prostituting themselves to feed their family. As Islam is the official religion of Malaysia, DAP leaders should openly and publicly support the teachings of the Quran in our country. I voted for PAS on 8th March to close down casinos, horse-racing, 4D and TOTO. Non-Muslims have long been paying a second tax to the UMNO government by "gambling-off" their whole family savings and children’s education to win the trust and respect of Malays and Muslims. DAP should advocate the closure of casinos, 4D, TOTO, and horse-racing as all these vice activities operators are UMNO agents. They take gambling money from non-Muslims and pay it to their UMNO Master. To cut off this source of revenue for UMNO, DAP should explain to the non-Muslim community how this gambling system works in Malaysia – and teach UMNO a lesson as we must expose UMNO’s hypocrisy! Unfortunately, DAP leaders don't appear to have the intelligence, wit, courage and political will to have the paradigm shift and think out of the box politically. As mentioned earlier, DAP is just a political party helplessly manipulated by UMNO. By just simply advocating the banning of gambling, DAP could win the respect and trust of Malays and Muslims plus save many non-Muslims from bankruptcy and family problems. But most importantly, it cuts off a large chunk of revenue from UMNO. ONE stone killing 3 birds. Instead of shouting and arguing with ridiculous Umnoputras in Parliament, I urge DAP to instruct each of their members to befriend at least 10 Malays to explain to them the challenge of this ever-changing globalized economy and how we have to work together regardless of race and religion for a better Malaysia. When the Malay mindsets change, Malaysia will change; and vice-versa. DAP, hear me and hear me well. You may be sincere, but you are sincerely wrong in Malaysian politics. Go and study what made UMNO strong. Do your political analysis. Also, DAP, you must remember that PAS is your true friend, even though they talked with UMNO. They are righteous and godly people that won't succumb to the temptation of money. That is not the case with Keadilan. Except Anwar and a few top leaders, many Keadilan people are still carrying the UMNO-DNA, as we have witnessed with the running dog Ezam and Nalla betraying the party. DAP, you should acknowledge the fact that the special rights and position of Malays/bumiputras are enshrined in our constitution. You have to respect it. You must have a complete and comprehensive Malay agenda to compete with UMNO. For example, the Penang state government can provide free but compulsory tuition for Penang Malay students at schools. DAP must cultivate and nurture the Malays in Penang to excel in academics and be able to compete on equal footing with others. Penang Malays must be the locomotive change of mindset to the rest of the Malays in our country. If DAP fails to change the Malay mindset in Penang, DAP will never be qualified to be addressed as a "National" party. Lastly, DAP, you still have a long way to go and you really have to learn again who's given UMNO power. Go to their power base, seize their power and cut off their power supply! For a progressive and better Malaysia, wearing the songkok is a trivial matter. If necessary, let Anwar’s new cabinet be full of capable Malays like Dr. Syed Husin Ali, Dr. Azly Rahman, Dr. Bakri Musa, Tuanku Abdul Aziz, etc. to prove to the Malay masses that we, Chinese, are not power hungry; we don't choose to "pegang" so as to destroy their livelihood as UMNO has claimed. We can prove to them that even though there is only 1 Chinese Minister in the Cabinet, it is still okay to us if the highly capable and honest Malay leaders can lead our country to greater heights and serve the rakyat wholeheartedly regardless of race, language and religion! Please learn, understand and even master the UMNO's Art of War in Politics. "Know your enemies and know yourself, hundred battles hundred victories" – ”Sun Tzu’s Art of War". FOR A BETTER MALAYSIA Hidup Malaysia... Mr. Loi Bih Siang Benjamin Political Scientist (Nota: Dokumen ini telah diemel oleh kenalan saya yang tinggal di sebuah tempat terpencil. Kini begitu mudah menyebarkan maklumat dan dokumen ini memang untuk disebarkan.) |